
In stock: 26 available
Product Details

Indeterminate, Potato leaf, Mid to late season producing globe shaped pink fruits between 6oz and 8oz.

Flavour is typically balanced with equal amounts of tangy acidity and sweetness on the palate.

Developed by the Livingston Seed Company , it was introduced in their 1900 seed catalogue as follows:

" This very distinct and most promising new variety, of the colour of Beauty and Acme, is our latest addition to the Tomato family. It is thicker, heavier, and more solid than either of the above, making it easily the most handsome sort in cultivation. It is unsurpassed in quality and in the production of fine, large fruits. While perfectly adapted to main crop planting, yet it matures so quickly that it will take first rank for early market. The form is perfect, uniform, large and attractive. Flesh is very firm. It is robust grower, with short joints, setting its clusters closer together than most varieties, and is therefore a heavy cropper. The fruits are usually very deep from stem to blossom end, many of them being almost globe shaped. It ripens evenly, does not crack about the stem, and the flavour is most desirable. We have Tested it for Several Years for Staking up in the Open Field, as well as for Forcing in Greenhouses, and we believe it to be Entirely Unequalled for such Purposes. We offer it in the expectation that it will add to our reputation as introducers of New Tomatoes. "

The Magnus variety almost became extinct and was revived by Craig LeHoullier and Carolyn Male. In 1994 they located a seed sample stored in the National seed lab. Only 1 of the seeds germinated.

Craig LeHouiller kindly sent a seed sample to Tomato Revolution and we are thrilled to be able to offer such an historic tomato in our catalogue.

Can be grown outdoors as well as in a greenhouse

Minimum 20 seeds per packet

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